April 30, 2022

1930’s Scrapbook Page

 Love going back to old family photos. They are few and far between.

I added several backgrounds as I know the Kansas won’t useful to many… 

Reminder…as always, if you save to files these will be png files with the transparency 
Intact …if you save to photos they convert to jpeg pictures.

These are the individual elements in case they are wanted..the Kansas poster was not included as that’s a current copyright image..and the quality of these is fairly low, so won’t blow up large.

April 27, 2022

Beach Babes

 Beach Babes

Reminder…items must be saved as a file to preserve transparency…saving to photos results in a jpeg…

April 14, 2022

Cosmic Rays Starlight Cafe

 Went to the magic kingdom and had lunch at one of my favorite fast food places…thought it deserved a page.

Here is a png file of the finished page and some of the elements.
Reminder…to keep it as a png file you need to save to files and open in your program…if you save to photos you’ll get a jpeg..

The diamonds are already available on the elements page.

If you are into Disney, the story of the trip is here

Saxophone music paper

 Actually needed this for a card I was making, but I thought it might be useful. It’s 8.5 x 11 but as it’s 300 dpi, it can be cut down prett...